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HomeHealth CoachApple Smoothie with Spinach Recipe

Apple Smoothie with Spinach Recipe

Apple Smoothie Recipe

This creamy and nutritious Apple Smoothie with Spinach is the right method to begin the day.

It’s made with only a few easy components, together with apples, bananas (or yogurt), child spinach leaves (you’ll be able to’t even style them), lemon juice, and water. It’s filled with nutritional vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and it’s a good way to get your every day dose of vegetables and fruit.

Plus, it comes collectively in only a few minutes, so it’s excellent for anybody who wants one thing wholesome and fast.

Apple smoothie with spinach, lemon and banana by elizabeth rider


  • 1 Medium Purple Apple: You’ll want 1 medium pink apple, cored and seeds eliminated, peel left on, and minimize into 2-inch chunks to make it simpler in your blender. Apples are supply of fiber, vitamin C, and potassium. In addition they include antioxidants that may assist shield your cells from harm.
  • 1 Small Banana: You’ll want 1 peeled banana to make your Apple Spinach Smoothie further creamy. In case you’re not a fan of bananas, you’ll be able to change them together with your most well-liked yogurt. Additionally, in case you like a creamier smoothie, use a frozen banana! Bananas are supply of potassium, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. In addition they include fiber, which will help you’re feeling full.
  • Child Spinach Leaves: Put in about 2 handfuls (2 free cups) of contemporary child spinach leaves. Child spinach is tender and just a little sweeter than mature spinach leaves. The apple, banana and lemon masks the style of the spinach, so it’s a good way to get your greens in case you don’t love the style of uncooked greens. Spinach is a superb supply of nutritional vitamins A, C, and Okay. It additionally comprises folate, magnesium, and iron. Spinach is a strong antioxidant that may assist shield your cells from harm.
  • Recent Lemon Juice: For this Apple Spinach Smoothie recipe, you’ll want the juice of 1/2 a lemon. That’s about 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, however you’ll be able to add extra in case you like your smoothie to be on the bitter facet. Recent lemon juice is an efficient supply of enzymes, vitamin C, and antioxidants. It could possibly additionally assist increase your immune system and enhance digestion. I don’t suggest utilizing bottled lemon juice in smoothies because it’s normally simply citric acid combined with water and lemon taste and doesn’t have the identical well being advantages of contemporary lemon juice.
  • Water: You’ll want 1.5 cups of filtered water, however you’ll be able to add extra in the course of the mixing course of if wanted. In case your banana isn’t frozen, I like so as to add 5-6 ice cubes to this smoothie, too. Use almond milk (or your most well-liked milk) if you wish to make this apple smoothie further creamy.
  • (Optionally available) Honey: In case your apple isn’t candy, add 1-2 teaspoons of uncooked honey to sweeten your smoothie. Uncooked honey is stuffed with enzymes and useful vitamins.

This recipe is versatile, so be happy so as to add your most well-liked smoothie components, like protein powder, or you need to use your most well-liked milk as an alternative of water to make it further creamy.

In case you like your smoothie to be thick, add extra banana or yogurt, however in case you prefer it thinner, add extra ice, milk, or water.

Try the printable recipe card under for the recipe and detailed directions.

Apple smoothie recipe with spinach, lemon and banana by elizabeth rider

How To Make an Apple Smoothie with Spinach

  1. Pour all of the liquid components into the blender first. This retains the components from jamming within the backside of your blender.
  2. Add the apples, banana, spinach, and lemon juice.
  3. Mix all of the components on excessive in a high-speed blender till easy.
  4. Serve and luxuriate in!


  • You possibly can add different components to your smoothie, akin to protein powder, yogurt, or honey.
  • You should use frozen fruit as an alternative of contemporary fruit to make your smoothie thicker.
  • You possibly can alter the quantity of water to your liking.

If you wish to strive extra smoothie recipes, it’s best to undoubtedly test these out:

Prep Time

5 minutes.

All that you must do to make this Apple Smoothie is put together the components and mix them.


You possibly can retailer your Apple Smoothie within the fridge for as much as 24 hours in an hermetic container. Be taught extra about the right way to save a smoothie for later right here.


This Apple Smoothie recipe makes 1 serving, however double the quantity if wanted.

If you would like one thing tasty with out compromising diet or spending an excessive amount of time within the kitchen, right here’s the right way to whip up this superior Apple Smoothie with Spinach.


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This Apple Smoothie with Spinach is made with only a few easy components, together with apples, bananas, spinach, lemon juice, and water. It’s filled with nutritional vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and it’s a good way to get your every day dose of vegetables and fruit.

  • 1 medium pink apple, cored and seeds eliminated, peel left on, and minimize into 2-inch chunks
  • 1 peeled banana (ideally frozen)
  • 2 handfuls (2 free cups) of contemporary child spinach leaves
  • Juice of 1/2 a lemon
  • 1.5 cups of filtered water
  • Optionally available: 1-2 teaspoons of honey, if wanted for sweetness

  1. Pour all of the liquid components into the blender first. This retains the components from jamming within the backside of your blender.
  2. Add the apples, banana, spinach, and lemon juice.
  3. Mix all of the components on excessive in a high-speed blender till easy.
  4. Serve and luxuriate in!



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