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HomeVitaminsVegan Carbonara with Pumpkin - Sharon Palmer, The Plant Powered Dietitian

Vegan Carbonara with Pumpkin – Sharon Palmer, The Plant Powered Dietitian

You may make probably the most wonderful Italian carbonara recipe ever, based mostly completely on crops. Sure, that’s proper! This wealthy Vegan Carbonara with Pumpkin calls upon pumpkin, mushrooms, and tempeh bacon to create a wealthy, creamy pasta that’s each hearty and satisfying. It solely takes about 20 minutes to whip up this straightforward carbonara recipe as the principle occasion of your meal, together with a crisp aspect salad. You’ll be able to even serve it proper out of the pan to chop down on dishes! 

What’s Carbonara?

It’s a easy, rustic Italian pasta dish, which originates from Rome relationship again to the twentieth century. Its trademark components are a protracted skinny pasta, akin to spaghetti or linguine, eggs, cured pork (bacon), laborious cheese, and black pepper. To make this recipe vegan, I took a spin off the unique roots of carbonara recipes to take away the meat, eggs, and cheese, and change them with tempeh bacon and pumpkin for creaminess, taste, and colour. 

Tips on how to Make Carbonara

You begin by cooking your pasta in boiling water till al dente. You then reserve among the pasta water for later. Whereas that is cooking, you may sauté the tempeh bacon and mushrooms, and add the pumpkin, creamer, reserved pasta water, and seasonings. Then high with vegan parmesan cheese. Yum! 

Watch Sharon make this recipe on this Instagram video right here.


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Make the very best carbonara recipe ever with this Vegan Carbonara with Pumpkin, which is full of the flavors of tempeh bacon, pumpkin, mushrooms, and pasta. This vegan carbonara is a wholesome, straightforward one-dish meal you will get on the desk in 20 minutes!

  1. Add water to a massive pot till it’s about half full. Cowl, place on burner, and produce to a boil on excessive warmth.
  2. Add pasta, cut back warmth to medium, cowl, and cook dinner till al dente, following producer’s directions for pasta (i.e., about 7 minutes for a lot of forms of pasta). Take away cooked pasta from the water, drain, and put aside, reserving 1 ½ cups pasta water for later. 
  3. Whereas pasta is cooking, warmth a massive sauté pan over medium warmth and add olive oil.
  4. Add onions and garlic and sauté for five minutes. 
  5. Add mushrooms, tempeh bacon, thyme, black pepper, purple chili pepper flakes, and ½ cup reserved pasta water, and sauté for 4 minutes. 
  6. Add pumpkin and stir properly. Add sufficient further pasta water (about ½ cup) to create a creamy texture. 
  7. Add cooked, drained pasta and stir gently till properly coated. If desired, add extra reserved pasta water as wanted to create a moist, creamy pasta dish. 
  8. Prime with vegan parmesan cheese and serve instantly. 
  9. Make 8 servings (about 1 ½ cups pasta per serving)


*Discover ways to make your personal smoky tempeh bacon right here—comply with the recipe, aside from omit the step of pan-frying or baking it. Simply marinate the sliced tempeh bacon, drain it, and use the tempeh in step 5. 

To make this recipe gluten-free, use gluten-free pasta and tempeh. 

  • Prep Time: 12 minutes
  • Prepare dinner Time: 10 minutes
  • Class: Entree
  • Delicacies: American, Italian


  • Serving Measurement: 1 serving
  • Energy: 337
  • Sugar: 5 g
  • Sodium: 455 mg
  • Fats: 7 g
  • Saturated Fats: 2 g
  • Carbohydrates: 57 g
  • Fiber: 5 g
  • Protein: 12 g

Key phrases: vegan carbonara, carbonara recipe, what’s carbonara, tips on how to make carbonara, straightforward carbonara recipe


Uncover different vegan pasta dinner recipes right here:

Vegan Bolognese with Lentils and Walnuts
Mushroom Bomb Lentil Pasta
Contemporary Cranberry Beans with Pasta and Greens
Vegan Baked Mediterranean Lasagna
Swiss Chard Pecan Lasagna

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